Where to order?

The Zeller Company

We sell through The Zeller Company. The Zeller Company’s sales platform supports start ups and other initiatives working on environmental issues. We are happy to be part of their network.


Poor indoor air quality is directly related to the development of illnesses like asthma and allergies, and to brain development issues, not least in the young. CO2Tutor contributes, by influencing people in the space where they live, to a world where people can realise their potential to the fullest.

What did we do about it?

Co2tutor developped devices which measures indoor air quality (IAQ) using different indicators, including CO2 and fine dust. Our mission is to create awareness of the importance of indoor air quality through our educational approach.

The Product

3D Printed


app Comming soon


Daria Shcherbak

  • Jack of all trades
  • Developer and master of project management
  • Creative go-getter
  • I’ve never seen a problem I couldn’t solder
  • Dancing keeps me sane

Jamie Goegebeur

  • Programmer and designer of the physical IoT device
  • Curious Nerd
  • Always on the look for new technology to learn and use
  • And since recently balcony gardening